Friday, October 17, 2008

PPIM atau Porak Peranda Islam dan Melayu?,,,,

PPIM adalah satu persatuan pengguna ISLAM yg berkepentingan menjaga pengguna ISLAM khususnya tapi sejak akhir-akhir nie saya melihat ia menjadi kambing hitam untuk mengkritik kerajaan PR terutama di Selangor..

Tadi secara tak sengaja saya menonton Buletin Utama dan ada satu berita PPIM mendesak kerajaan PKR Selangor memindahkan kandang BABI di Sepang. PPIM melalui Datuk Zulkfili (tak tahu lah pegang jawatan apa) dengan secara keras mendesak kandang babi di sepang di pindahkan kerana mendakwa kandang tersebut di kawasan majoriti kampung MELAYU. Jika kandang babi Mega yg di persoalkan mungkin saya boleh terima kerana projek kandang babi mega di bawah kerajaan PKR Selangor, tetapi projek itu tidak di laksanakan lagi dan dikhabarkan akan di pindah ke kawasan lain. So apa lagi PPIM nak? jika kandang yg sudah beroperasi hampir 30-20 tahun ingin di pindahkan, tidakkah ini akan menyebabkan rasa tidak puas hati penguasaha kandang babi tersebut.

Lagi pun yg menbenarkan kandang babi ini beroperasi adalah UMNO bukan kerajaan PKR yg baru. Saya beranggapan Datuk Zulkfili ini BODOH dan BANGGANG. Mengapa tidak desak kerajaan terdahulu di bawah UMNO memindahkan kandang babi tersebut???? Takut? Berkepentingan???

Yang paling mencuit hati saya di akhir temu bual tersebut, Datuk Zulkfili mendakwa kandang babi tersebut menjadi markas judi , maksiat , pendatang haram dan senjata. Kah Kah Kah. Oiii Datuk kalau dah tue mengapa tidak lapor kan sahaja kepada POLIS kenapa melaporkan di Buletin TV3 suku? Aduh hai.. Kesimpulan yg saya boleh berikan sah Datuk Zulkfili nie BODOH......


Anonymous said...

Salam Saudara,

PPIM memang sejak penubuhannya telah didasari oleh puak UMNO.

Datuk Dr. Makmor, Presiden PPIM adalah doktor yang bersekongkol dengan Rahim Thamby Chik dalam kes perogolan perempuan bawah umur suatu ketika dulu.


hafiz said...

salam kunjung! hahaha bro. yang bodoh tetap bodoh. yang buta tetap buta kayu. umno sebenarnya da takda modal. ya. mereka telahpun menjadi barua inggeris sejak dulu lagi. tak heranlah kalau perangai pun macam sial! hahaha ya. mereka memang bodoh!

checkmate said...






Unknown said...

Maafkan saya tuan ANGAHSP, kali pertama masuk dah berkasar bahasa.

Dia ni Dato' dari Melaka kot, bodoh mengalahkan kaldai yang makan taik!.

Kalau suka badan dipergunakan pun, janganlah sehingga menggadaikan intelek kat kaki lima.

Salam kenal.

Anonymous said...

Awas dengan peminta sedekah yang menipu orang ramai di Bukit Bintang .. ..dulu reformis kini pengemis .. manusia dua alam !!!!

Anonymous said...

Malaysia is a secular state. It was so when we attained independence in 1957 and it is still so, today. To say otherwise, is absolutely nonsensical.

These problem and confusion were all brought about by none other than our prime minister of 22 years - Dr Mahatir. He is the culprit and if the country suffers in any way as a result of what is taking place today - it is all due to his incompetence and arrogance.

He was a dictator in his own right and made many questionable decisions that has brought about upheavals amongst the various races. The non-malays cannot accept an Islamic state per se.

All they want is to be left alone to practice their faith in peace. The Muslims can go about and follow the true teachings of Islam and likewise practice their faith in peace as well. This is all there is to it.

Why then do they insist on wanting to use the term Islamic state now when they know pretty well that it was not one at the time independence was obtained! Let the status quo remain as it was.

Anonymous said...

Malaysia is the only country in the world where the constitution itself (no less) says that a particular race has to belong a particular religion. No other country follows this ruling. Not even Arabia (birthplace of Islam) or Indonesia (largest Muslim population).

Anonymous said...

My school in the 50s and 60s when terms like bumi and non-bumi did not exist.

Back then, there was a kind of kindred among school children then that does not exist today. We were racially different but we were all equal in every other way. Nobody was 'special'.

Today when a non-malay student goes to school, he has already been told over and over again by his parents that, "You will have to do superlatively in order to get into a local university."

The child comes back having done creditably well, and doesn't get the university course of his choice. But his malay classmate, with worse marks than him, gets more than he asked for.

All these double standards and retrogressive policies were put in place by our selfish politicians whose aim, rather than uplifting the malays, was to perpetually stay in power for their own good.

The end result is a new generation of Malaysians who are not united in the least.

The first thing to be done towards a real Bangsa Malaysia is to pull down all divisions that categorise us along racial and religious lines.

All, irrespective of race and religion, must be subjected to a truly merit-based system in every sphere of Malaysian life.

All political parties that exploit any form of religion should be banned.

Anonymous said...

Yes, which Islamic country in the world today is strong in technology, R&D, literature, etc?

The answer is a big NONE!

Drop Islam and malays would be a better race!

Anonymous said...

The problem in Malaysia is, we shouldn't have independence from British at very first place. How nice it will be if Queen appoints someone calibre person in Malaysia like Satyanand. God bless Malaysia!

No need to look so far. Even our neighbour down south has an Indian for a deputy prime minister.

Man, don't forget the same southern neighbour is also having an Indian as president. Not for a single term. Now he is on his second term as president. This is called transparency!

The so-called unity in this country is very much superficial. There are only two reasons why it appears this way to the outsider.

1. Anyone that says anything about the Umno malay deems racial will be thrown to jail under ISA.

2. As general, people appreciate the harmony and peace in this country. Especially with all the terrorist attacks and wars all over the world.

As for a reason a true "Malaysian" race will not happen, there is only one. As long as the discrimination and separation of "bumis" and "non-bumis" exist. People will be automatically very conscious about their ethnic race.

The logic is simple, the more discrimination, the more conscious about their place in society and the more conscious about protecting the benefit of their ethnic race.

Once this "bumis" and "non-bumis" status is abolished and everyone is equal, citizens will automatically merged into one Malaysian race.

The cause is that Malaysia and Malaysians still prefer to have race-based political parties to rule this country.

Then, what you get are politicians who gain power using race-issues, and politician-wannabes like the upstart son-in-law playing dangerous claptrap racial politics to be in the limelight.

In a multiracial country like Malaysia, where Malaysians political maturity is just out of infancy, Malaysians become easy suckers and convenient victims of dangerous racial politics, including the manifestation of keris-wielding dramatics in public by minister come from these race-based political parties.

Initially three main component parties in BN were formed to show British that we, as the citizens of this land are unite and we want and can be independent.

After the May 13 incident and the introduction of NEP, the focus of each party changes to protect benefit of the race that represent under the segregation "bumis" and "non-bumis" status.

To me, Pak Lah focus on wrong direction, he is more like a "ketua kampung" than a prime minister. Prime minister should focus on making the country strong and able to compete internationally, and let the real "ketua kampung" worry about asking people to be polite, etc.

Can anyone blame those dissolution people for not flying the flag on independence day? To me, there is really nothing to celebrate about. We seem to be worst off in terms of racial polarization with each passing year.

Anonymous said...

That is why malay is the most arrogant, corrupted, racist and terrorist race in the world. To the world population, malay is only a minority. And yet, still keep on talking about Islam, Muslim, Syariah law. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your breath. They BN steal the country blind, they strike deals amongst themselves so that all of them can stick their hands into the country's till, then they fight amongst themselves when one group doesn't get to steal as much as another group.

Then to divert attention, they blame the Chinese. The Chinese parties are told, "Hey, don't worry, all this is for show only, you can continue to feed off the crumbs from the table." and the circus continues.

They announce programs to help the poor, then they take them away through robberies like medicine labeling. They own private hospitals, so it is in their interests to let public hospitals deteriorate.

Make no mistake about it - the hardcore poor are still mainly from one race, and unfortunately they are being conned into voting these thieves back in at every election.

51 years of independence? It is more like 51 years of growing independence for Umno selfish and unilateral ambitions for one community. And 51 years of deterioration for the MCA and MIC into mere puppets in the BN.

MCA and MIC are no more effective in defending the rights of the minority communities in Malaysia, as they are easily overpowered and silenced by Umno every time there is an interracial issue.

A vote for MCA or MIC is effectively a vote for Umno. It is better for MCA and MIC to leave BN, in order to represent their communities more effectively.

Wahoo! MCA Youth demands "apology" from Khairy for playing the racial card. Excellent leadership it may seem but wait a moment………They are saying that they have always been obedient and servile to their master (Umno) and now their loyalty is been doubted.

MCA is one of the main reasons for the systemic problem prevailing in Malaysia. So don't bloody pretend you are able to stand up for meritocracies.

With the increasing arrogance, greed and selfishness of Umno, with the MCA and MIC relegated to puppet status, less than a few percent of non-malay taxpayers money return to their own community.

Almost all of non-malay taxpayers money goes into projects that benefit and enrich the malay community. This is set to worsen in the years to come. BN is a racist party and does not deserve any support from the non-malays for all the injustices it has done to them. Off the soapbox.

51 years, we have our independence from the British. But think about it more intensely. Are you sure that we have really got our independence!

At the beginning, Tunku had led us to the independence. But after that era, the Umno who inherited power from Tunku turned around and form the new breed of "colonial master".

In the name of various beautifully sounding policies. The new colonial master is more interested to channel goodies into its own exclusive elite members. Except for some miserable spillover, all really deserving poor irrespective of races hardly receive any thing.

The problem is most people think joining the opposition is a suicide and we should just become always contain and feed the lion and its herd so we might not be eaten.

Young educated Malaysians must now rise up and be responsible to our country before things go out of hand! If we can't criticise our government and they are always in a state of denial - change them - nothing to lose.

jazrul said...

tak baik Porak Peranda kan Islam
besar dosa dia

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fauzi said...

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jazrul said...

tak baik pora poranda kan islam
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